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Summer Camp at Withywindle
Approx. ages 4-10
8:30-2:30 * $325​​​
100% outdoor camp Located in East Sacramento
Back up location in case of smoke or excessive heat
Child led and play based​
Themed weeks to explore different outdoor skills
​​Small group size (max 12 children)
​​Experienced & skilled teachers
adventure club!
Approx. Ages 5-16
9:00-5:00 *$450​​
Explore locations in the Sacramento Valley, Sierras, and beyond!
Hiking, Swimming, Crafts & Outdoor Skills
Transportation Included
​Small group size (max 12 children)
​​Experienced & skilled teachers
river camp schedule
session 1 June 16 - June 20 Handwork (No Camp 6/19, Reduced Tuition)
explore weaving, sewing, Yarn Art and more! Make your own foraging bag for future adventures
Session 2 June 23 - June 27 CLAY
Explore all you can make with clay. We will also hunt for & Process Wild Clay!
Session 3 July 7-July 11 potions
This camp is full of Magic! We will create fun & Fizzy potions (and decide what they do) with materials from nature and from home
Session 4 July 14 -July 18 Foraging
Explore the American River's edible & useful plants. We will learn how the indigenous peoples harvested, processed, and used plants for eating, basket weaving, and art.
Session 5 July 21 - July 25 Nature ARt
This camp is for budding artists! Explore eco Printing, collage, natural dyes and other art made with natural materials.
Session 6 July 28 - Aug 1 Fairy Houses
In this camp we will build structures for our fairy friends that live at the American River! If we make them just right, we might get a visit!
Session 7 Aug 4-Aug 8 Nature Journaling
This camp is all about how the campers love to explore stories! We might make a play, play storycards, listen to traditional indigenous stories, and learn to tell our own.
Session 8 Aug 11 - Aug 15 Storytelling
In this camp we will create our own nature journals & explore sketching, poetry, watercolors, and more! We will also explore sit spots in depth.
Session 7 Aug 18 - Aug 22 Whittling*
*Camp may or may not run depending on SCUSD Schedule. Full REFUND IF CANCELLED.
Learn to carve wood to make fun shapes, tools or toys! In this camp we will start with saftey peelers and graduate to a knife if appropriate.
Please bring a morning snack and lunch - Afternoon snack provided
water play every afternoon - Life jacket required (borrowing life jackets available!)
Questions about Gear, Schedule, or anything else? Email
$75 deposit/Camp to Hold your spot
adventure club schedule
little oaks
Approx age 5-10
hike 1-2 miles/day
water play with life jackets
July 7 - July 11
ponderossa pines
Approx age 8-12
hike 1-3 miles/day
must pass swim test
July 14- July 18
mighty redwoods
hike 1-5 miles/day
must pass swim test
ready for overnights
6/30-7/3: 4 day/3 night backpacking trip
$1,250 All Food included, gear available to borrow
Please bring a morning snack and lunch - Afternoon snack provided
Ability is more important than age - please feel free to reach out to discuss which group is appropriate for your child
Questions about Gear, Schedule, or anything else? Email
$75 Deposit/Camp to Hold a Spot
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